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: CSIR Researchers Raise Alarm Against Antibiotics in Food, Develop Alternatives #IndiaNEWS #healthy living The ability of bacteria and other microorganisms to resist the effects of an antibiotic to


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CSIR Researchers Raise Alarm Against Antibiotics in Food, Develop Alternatives #IndiaNEWS #healthy living
The ability of bacteria and other microorganisms to resist the effects of an antibiotic to which they were once sensitive, also known as antibiotic resistance, is a major concern all over the world. A new study conducted by the scientists at Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR–CFTRI) has sounded an alarm on the indiscriminate and rampant use of such ‘conventional antibioticp&H[H[KHYH]X[Y]]Z[XY[[ZXܛؚX[H[YXX[ZXܛؙ[HH]X[Y[܈۝[[ۘ[[X[X[H[KT$ѕHX]HY[YYYۙHH[YXX[ZXܛؙ[[ۜ]H]][[X[XˈH][Y[و][[[ZXܛؚX[[ZH[H[KX؜ٝY [[Y[[Y[ۋ'HٙHXHY[YH[[ZXܛؚX[YH[YXX[ZXܛؙˈHXYZ[[ۈ[ۈ]H[[ZXܛؚX[[YX[H]Z[XH[ۙ][Y[]H[[]݈[[ZXܛؚX[Y[[]X]][[[ܚ]Yܛ RKܛ RRH[ܛ RRRHܙ[ˈH[X[Hܚ[HY[][ۙ][ۜXXYX[[[[K8^ٙ܈ZY[[[XKXYوY[وZ[[ZH[XKTPѕKXY[HYK']YHZ]XH܈H[HX]H]ܚ[H[HوY][[][[[[Yˈ]]H[HHYۜ[[ۋ[XY ]X[HY[][[HXX ]]Z[H[YXX[ZXܛؙ8Yٙ܈[[XKٙ܈ZY[[[XH]X[HوX¸']]HH۝[[ۘ[[X[XH[[[K][[XYX] Y]X[ۙH[[]X][[]HYH۝[Z[][ۈو[X[X]ܙX][[X[X˙[ܙ[ˈ[[HܙX][HXZ܈؛[H[H[ۛY[ [H[YXX[ZXܛؙH[[[X[X˙[ YܙK][YH܈܈X[Y[܈[X[XˈH[X^HHZ[܈YH[YXX[ZXܛؙ8؜ٝٙ܈[[XKHٙ܈ZY[[[XKHXX[H[YY[HX[K[^X[HHZ[ZYHY[]H][ۈو[Y[Y[YܙY[[܈XXHX[[[[ZXܛؚX[[X[[KۙHوH]YۙHYPXYHX[[]XY[ۈ][HXXX[XXX[YHXYHHX][H8%XXXYHٝ]]K

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