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: WMO: Greater Horn of Africa drought forecast to continue for fifth year  #IndiaNEWS #International As millions of people in the Greater Horn of Africa have already “suffered the longest drought


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WMO: Greater Horn of Africa drought forecast to continue for fifth year  #IndiaNEWS #International
As millions of people in the Greater Horn of Africa have already “suffered the longest drought in 40 years,? parts of the region are bracing for a fifth consecutive failed rainy season, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Friday 

The forecast for October to December issued at the Greater Horn of Africa Seasonal Climate Outlook Forum shows high chances of drier than average conditions across most parts of the region, which will further worsen the crisis for millions of people.  
“It pains me to be the bearer of bad news,? said Guleid Artan, Director of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) – WMO’s climate centre for East Africa.  

We are entering the 5th consecutive failed rainy season – IGAD official

“Sadly, our models show with a high degree of confidence that we are entering the 5th consecutive failed rainy season in the Horn of Africa?.   
Raising the alarm 
Last month, IGAD and humanitarian agencies raised the alarm that over 50 million people in the region are suffering from acute food insecurity this year.  
“In Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia, we are on the brink of an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe,? continued Mr. Artan, noting that significantly less rainfall totals are expected until the end of the year.  
The severity of the situation was echoed by IGAD Executive Secretary Workneh Gebeyehu, who made a solemn call to national governments, donors, humanitarian, and development actors to “adopt a no-regret strategy and help us weather the worst of this crisipˈ0Z[[YX]Z[[HؙX[X۝X]
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