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: From Hiroshima, UN chief calls for global nuclear disarmament #IndiaNEWS #International It is totally unacceptable for states in possession of nuclear weapons to admit the possibility of a nuclear


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From Hiroshima, UN chief calls for global nuclear disarmament #IndiaNEWS #International
It is totally unacceptable for states in possession of nuclear weapons to admit the possibility of a nuclear war, António Guterres underscored early on Saturday in Japan at a ceremony marking the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

“Nuclear weapons are nonsense. Three-quarters of a century later, we must ask what we’ve learned from the mushroom cloud that swelled above this city in 1945�, he urged during the event at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park attended by dozens of people, including hibakusha, young peace activists, Japan’s Prime Minister and other local authorities.
The UN Secretary-General warned that a new arms race is picking up speed and world leaders are enhancing stockpiles at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars with almost 13,000 nuclear weapons currently held in arsenals around the world.
“…Crises with grave nuclear undertones are spreading fast — from the Middle East to the Korean peninsula, to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine… Humanity is playing with a loaded gun�, he cautioned.

UN Photo/Mitsugu Kishida
Hiroshima, shortly after a nuclear bomb was dropped on this city in August 1945.

Signs of hope
Mr. Guterres called the current Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in New York a ‘sign of hope’.
“Today, from this sacred space, I call on this Treaty’s members to work urgently to eliminate the stockpiles that threaten our future, to strengthen dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation, and to support my disarmament agenda by eliminating these devices of destruction�, he emphasized.
He underscored that countries with nuclear weapons must commit to the “no first use� of them, and assure other states that they will not use –or threaten to use—nuclear weapons against them.
“We must keep the horrors of Hiroshima in view at all times, recognizing there is only one solution to the nuclear threat: not to have nuclear weapons at all�, the UN chief stated.

In Hiroshima today, I paid tribute to the tens of thousands of people killed by atomic bombs 77 years ago.
We cannot forget the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
We must act in their memory & wipe nuclear weapons off the face of the earth once and for all. pic. twitter. com/taMQFAjD92
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) August 6, 2022

Time to proliferate peace
Guterres stressed that leaders cannot hide from their responsibilities.
“Take the nuclear option off the table — for good.   It’s time to proliferate peace. Heed the message of the hibakusha: “No more Hiroshimas! No more Nagasakis!��, he said.

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