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: Saudi-Iran Rapprochement: A Victory for China #WorldNEWSAll The manner in which China has brokered a peace deal between two arch foes: Saudi Arabia and Iran may help China to emerge as a global peacemaker,


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Saudi-Iran Rapprochement: A Victory for China #WorldNEWSAll
The manner in which China has brokered a peace deal between two arch foes: Saudi Arabia and Iran may help China to emerge as a global peacemaker, eclipsing the USA.
Last week a major diplomatic coup was staged by China, when it announced the results of its successfully mediated efforts, of bringing two old foes at the negotiating table and signing a friendship deal.
The Chinese-brokered Saudi-Iran rapprochement comes as a major diplomatic breakthrough between two regional neighbours after years of mutual animosity, suspected attacks and tales of rivalry between the two countries.
The move also represents Beijind&ܘ^H[ZYHX]X[XH][^Y[YؙYH]]HوHT[H[[وH][ۜXYHHYH[[[[[]KYH[وHۚX[Kۈ LX ^XY[Z[[[Y]Y][YXو]YY^H[[[[XY[Z[ۜ][[۝[[[Y[Xݚ]H[XۛZX][ۈYܙY[Y[YۙY[ܙH[ YXYˈ]XوHܛ[Y[H ][[[Y^HٙHܚ[X]X[][ۜۛHX]HوHXZYYYXو]]X[[[[]K]X]HوHYYX]܋^YYH^HH[[[HHYX][XKKKH[HݙY[ H[ݙH[H[XHZ[HH]HKˈ[]H[[Y ܈]]YYܛH]K[Y][ۈ[YZZ[( 2f'7B"FF2f&FFR֖FFRV7BVFF&VvW&RgFV&f&W2&R'VB&VBV6W2B7V'FWFW2v6&R&BFfFf"WG6FW"FVvFR&V6VBFW2FWfRWFR6Rb&B6VBV6֖2B7G&FVv2FW&W7G2&VFǒFR6VF2B&VVVvvVBFƷ2vF&g&&VBFR6RFR2V7V֗BVB6VF##v6VFVBFR&6FRbF"BVFVBFRFW&&gG2bFRwVb6W&F6V6⤖FRGvV'266RFRVFVB&"V֗&FW22&W7F&VBG2FF2&VF2vF&BWfV&W6VB62&( 2F'B'FW#WvBF2&WGW&VBG2&76F"FFV&FRVvFF2&WGvVV&B6VF&&66R##&vVǒF6R&BFW"&Vv6VG&W26VFrWvBB7FBGFVFVBF'&vRf"FƷ2&WGvVVFV&B&FVW&W26662FR7B6WfVV'2v6vW&R&vVǒV7V66W76gV2FV626W"&WGvVVFRv&N( 2Gv&vW7BV6֖W3FRR2B6FRR2Ɩ7W'2B6VFVBFR&fW"6WFFB6V7W&G66W&2vF6'WBvBFW2&VJé͍ѡɕȁѡ5ЀȁѡɝȁT

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